English Saddle Seat Calculator
Find the seat size you need for an English saddle
Get the right fit quickly and easily
- Here is our very handy tool designed to calculate the English saddle seat size you will need based on your weight, height and the size of your upper thigh.
The calculator is easy to use, just type in your measurements and in a flash, you will know what seat size you need. This is a general guide for English saddles only.
There are other considerations that we need to take into account such as seat depth and flap design, but we can tweak that later.
Example, a deep seated dressage saddle will fit differently than a very close contact jump saddle.
- Once we know what seat size you need for a particular saddle, we can work together to determine the tree size that will best fit your horse. You cannot rely on fitting in the same tree size when you switch manufacturers as they are built and sized differently. Also, some are built more angular while some are more flat and "open" (also known as a hoop tree), so much consideration has to go into your choice. Contact me so we can work together to find the perfect fit for you and your horse. [email protected]
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