Links are clickable:
windswepthorse - Join our Facebook page to see new product, and win prices! - Our sister website that features genuine Impact Gel Brand saddle pads in western, english and trail styles.
International Riding Helmets - Official site to learn more about styles, features and product warranty information of our number 1 selling helmet.
Equestrian Coach - Yes!! We are members of the equestrian coach sales team and you can get a 10% membership discount when you use code word WINDSWEPTHORSE at checkout!!
HorseGirlTV - Free leading web based TV series that is both educational and entertaining! They have detailed many of our products in their episodes! Check it out. - Original art designs to raise money for horses in need. Help support saving slaughter bound horses and funding safe retirements. - Artisan Gemstone bracelets that match your horse's coat color, lovingly hand-crafted in the USA and filled with purpose and meaning. Are you ready to empower your brain to harness the limitless energy of the Universe to manifest your riding goals??